Cookie Monster Halloween Costumes -
Find Cookie Monster Halloween Costumes, Treats, and Accessories.
We know the time is getting
near, and you want to find your Sesame Street Cookie Monster Halloween
Costume quickly and for a good price. Well, we at Totally Tots want to
help you, so here are our offerings for creative Cookie Monster Halloween
Costumes. Read along and see if you like what we have! If after that you
want to see Other
Vendors offering Cookie Monster Costumes, we'll help you find those,
Simple, Sweet
Cookie Monster Costumes for Halloween
NO SEW Cookie Monster COSTUME
(No Sew Cookie Monster Halloween Costume)
Materials: Cookie
Monster Face T-Shirt or Sweatshirt, BlueSweatpants, Blue Hat
Remember, there are lots of different ways for your toddler to look like
Cookie Monster at Halloween. There are masks, sweatshirts and T-Shirts.
We have great Cookie
Monster Longsleeves Shirts, and they can be the basis of your Toddlers
Cookie Monster Halloween Costume. We also have Short-Sleeved Cookie Monster
Shirts that can be used too. Couple either of these Cookie Monster Shirts
with blue sweatpants and a blue cap and you have a cute, quick Cookie
Monster Costume. Assembles in minutes. You can add interest by creating
eyes and a nose to the hat, and maybe even a giant Cookie, so see the
Crafter Costume below for more details.
IN YOU (Cookie Monster Halloween Costume for the Crafter in You)
Materials: Blue Hooded Sweatshirt, Blue Sweatpants (optional), cardboard
circle for the Giant Cookie
This takes very little work, and is fun too! You can take a Blue Hooded
Sweatshirt, attach some Cookie Monster facial features to the hood for
a good Cookie Monster look this Halloween. To create eyes, you can use
anything from simple pieces of black and white felt to white styrofoam
balls with black painted pupils (don't forget to make them slightly crossed!).
Affix these to the top of the hood by sewing or using a strong non-toxic
fabric or all purpose glue. Don't forget to make the Cookie Monster Giant
Cookie (and for fun, cut a big bite out of one end)! Best if you give
the glue time to set and dry - about 12 to 24 hours. Add Red Sweatpants
to complete the outfit.
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at 877- 416-TOTS (8687)
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