Gund MVB (Most Valuable Baby)
Collection at Totally Tots!
Totally Tots has a large selection
of Baby Gund Most Valuable Baby (Gund MVB) gifts including Gund MVB Activity
Plush, Gund MVB Beanstix, Gund MVB Pacifier Clips and Gund MVB Pull Toys.
You'll find all the sporty animals that compose this line: Soccer Frog,
Baseball Monkey, Football Bear, and Basketball Puppy, ready for gift giving.
Don't forget that we have free gift wrap for all of your gift giving
needs. Please click on the picture for a detailed product description
or to purchase. If you don't see what you are looking for, try our great
search engine. Also,
see other products from Gund in the Gund
Product Index and find out about the Totally
Tots Advantage, including free gift wrap.
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at 877- 416-TOTS (8687)
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