Gund Bower Yellow Labrador - A Dog in Plaid
$ 12.95 $ 12.95 Flannel Fabric Yardage - Rocketeer-Blue
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 Soft Animal Rattles - Elephants Bears N Dinosaurs
$ 5.95 $ 5.95 Russ Jack & Beanstalk Plush Activity Doll 23637
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Russ Tool Soft Activity Set 23565 - 5 piece
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Warm N' Cool Microwaveable/Freezable Pocket Pals - Whiskers Mouse
$ 10.00 $ 10.00 Russ Backpack Soft Play Set 23508 - 5 Piece
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Russ Flowers & Butterflies Plush Fabric Growth Chart 23587
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Russ Little Bo Peep Plush Activity Doll 23639
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Russ Kitty Cottage Soft Play Set 23564 - Cat Mouse Ball Bowl
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Russ Angel Doll 23628 Rattle Purple
$ 11.95 $ 11.95 Toy Sets - Rattles or Soft Blocks
$ 5.95 $ 5.95 Flannel Fabric Yardage - Football Frenzy
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 Russ Stack and Play Plush Cow Stacker 21774
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Gund Heidi - 13 inch Soft Velour Doll
$ 15.95 $ 15.95 English/Spanish - A Wipe Off Sound Book
$ 11.95 $ 11.95 Gund Molly - 9 inch Soft Velour Doll
$ 11.95 $ 11.95 Gund Lindsey - 9 inch Soft Velour Doll
$ 11.95 $ 11.95 Dora the Explorer English/Spanish Learning Games
$ 11.95 $ 11.95 Gund Baby Boy Doll 12 inches - Ethnic
$ 11.95 $ 11.95 Gund Cowzer Comfy Cozy 58453 Cream - Cow
$ 27.95 $ 27.95 Gund Buggie Brights Activity Blanket - Benita
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Gund Dottie Dots Frog Comfy Cozy
$ 27.95 $ 27.95 Gund Blush Comfy Cozy - Buggie Brights
$ 33.95 $ 33.95 Cotton T-Shirts - Set of Three
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 Gund Dottie Dots Beanstix - Duck Cat Frog or Puppy
$ 8.95 $ 8.95 Gund Golden Retriever 13 inch Plush Dog
$ 24.95 $ 24.95 Classic Pooh Friends Full Body Rattles - Pooh Piglet Tigger or Eeyore
$ 6.95 $ 6.95 Gund MVB Activity Soccer Frog - SALE!!!!
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Gund Doberman 12 inch Plush Dog
$ 24.95 $ 24.95 Classic Pooh Bean Bag Friends - Pooh Piglet Tigger or Eeyore
$ 6.95 $ 6.95 Gund Kim My Little Baby Playset Backpack 58452
$ 24.95 $ 24.95 Gund Dottie Dots Pacifier Clips
$ 4.95 $ 4.95 Gund Franny - An Easter Duck with a Beautiful Bonnet
$ 21.95 $ 21.95 Gund Leopold - A Leopard with Sounds
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Gund Pee Wee - Your Tot's Favorite Monkey in White
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 Gund MVB Activity Football Bear - SALE!!!!
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Gund Up Up and Away Airplane Playset 58384
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Gund Christmas Comfy Cozy - Santa
$ 24.95 $ 24.95 Gund Flowering Friends Minis - Tiny Plush Bears with a Rose
$ 6.95 $ 6.95 Gund Parson Russell Terrier 9 inch Plush Dog
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Cookie Monster Mini Party 6-Pack
$ 37.95 $ 37.95 Gund Sinclair - A Christmas Bear and Friend
$ 27.95 $ 27.95 Gund Flora - An Easter Bunny with A Beautiful Bonnet
$ 21.95 $ 21.95 Gund Doberman 9 inch Plush Dog
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Gund Mini Pro's - Major League Rattles
$ 7.50 $ 7.50 Gund Parson Russell Terrier 13 inch Plush Dog
$ 24.95 $ 24.95 Gund German Shepherd 9 inch Plush Dog
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Gund Puddles 10 inch Plush Dog
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Gund MVB Beanstix - Monkey Puppy Bear or Frog
$ 8.95 $ 8.95 Gund Confetti - A Birthday Bear
$ 8.95 $ 8.95 Gund Puddles 13 inch Plush Dog
$ 24.95 $ 24.95 Gund Sesame Street 6 piece Winter Assortment - Elmo Zoe Grover Cookie Oscar Ernie
$ 29.95 $ 29.95 Gund Chandler - Christmas Bear in a Sweater
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Gund Rex - A Lion with Sounds
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Gund Chubby Characters - Habie Linus Rocket or Reggy
$ 5.95 $ 5.95 Gund Hiccup Bear
$ 5.95 $ 5.95 Gund Onyx 12 inch - Black Dog
$ 24.95 $ 24.95 Gund Lotsa Love - A Bear with Heart
$ 12.95 $ 12.95 Gund Twighlight Mitsy or Penny Cats
$ 13.95 $ 13.95 Gund Jeremiah - A BullFrog with Sounds
$ 15.95 $ 15.95 Gund Bixby - 13.5 inch Bear
$ 21.95 $ 21.95 Gund Little Puddles 5 inch Plush Dog
$ 5.50 $ 5.50 Gund Teddy Bag - Purse
$ 13.95 $ 13.95 Gund Barking Puppies - Wags Baxter Ryder or Sierra
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 Gund Charlotte My Little Baby Playset Backpack 58449
$ 24.95 $ 24.95 Gund Sesame Street Zoe Ballerina Plush - 11 inches
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Gund Speedy - A Turtle Who is a Fast Friend
$ 14.95 $ 14.95 Gund Beanstix Rattle - Duck Frog Dog
$ 8.95 $ 8.95 Gund Opal or Silky - Cats that Meow
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 Gund Bixby - 17 inch Bear
$ 34.95 $ 34.95 Gund Friskees Cats
$ 6.95 $ 6.95 Gund Flowering Friends - Beautiful Plush Bears with Roses
$ 17.95 $ 17.95 Hello!/Good-bye! - A Board Book
$ 7.95 $ 7.95 Gund Sleepytime Cookie Monster Musical - Sesame Street Sleeps! SALE!!
$ 19.95 $ 19.95 Fireman Bert Beanbag N' Book Set - 'Follow that Fire Truck' Book
$ 11.95 $ 11.95
Subtotal $ 1220.35
(Ground Shipping) SHIPPING $ 6.95
TOTAL $ 1227.30