TMX Elmo, Tickle Me Extreme
Elmo, 10th Anniversary Elmo, Laughing Walking Elmo - How to Find TMX Elmo
TMX Elmo is one of the Hottest
Toys of the Season! Tickle Me Extreme Elmo is very hard to find, and we
wanted to help you locate him online. We don't have him in stock here,
so if you just want to find him now online, click this Help
Me Find TMX Elmo link. Below is more info about Tickle Me Elmo from
Fisher Price.
About TMX Elmo, Tickle Me
Elmo Extreme, the 10th Anniversary Tickle Me Elmo
"T.M.X. Elmo
will tickle Americas funny bone with three interactive tickle spots
on his chin, tummy or toe. When kids tickle Elmo once on any of the tickle
spots, he starts to laugh and slap his leg twice, then falls down into
a sitting position and rocks himself back up to standing while laughing.
When they tickle him a second time, he repeats the pattern even more,
then sits down again and falls backwards onto his back and starts kicking
his feet while laughing even harder. He then stands back up and asks to
be tickled again. And on the third tickle he absolutely lets loose going
through the first two patterns and then rolling over onto his tummy where
he starts hitting the floor with his hand in gales of laughter, then rolling
onto his back, standing up again, and ending with a deep sigh. Requires
6 "AA" batteries." Now do you want him?
Yes, HELP ME Find TMX Elmo!!!
Please Note:
We are providing this due to the volume of inquiries about TMX Elmo. We
Do Not Guarantee purchases or the outcome of any resulting transactions.
10th Anniversary Elmo.
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