Customer TestimonialsWe enjoy the feedback from our friends. Here are some things they had to say about our products. "Totally Tots baby blankets
and hat sets are really beautiful. Our grandson just loves how soft and
cuddly they are. Thank you !" "My grandson finally has
a favorite thing at my house - your blanket! Thank You!" "The blanket and hat sets
are truly unique. The quality and workmanship of these beautiful handcrafted
items are hard to find. " "I gave the hat and blanket
sets as gifts for my friend's grandchildren. They fit newborn's perfectly
and are so cuddly and warm. Everyone I gave them to loves them and asks
where I got them so that they can purchase them also. They are great for
older toddlers too. My grandson 's favorite is his hat and scarf with
soccer balls." "Thank you so much for
the hat, blanket and rattle set - they are so cute, we love them and the
babies older brother even likes shaking the rattle in front of the baby! "There are so many great
patterns, I had trouble picking...but the leopard skin was too adorable
to resist! :)" "I've never seen blankets
like these - the colors are so vibrant and the material is sooo soft.
I love giving them as gifts." "Hats are great! My son
loves things that are soft and cuddly. He would not take it off and insisted
on sleeping with the hat on the first night he got it. And of course,
it looks great." "The appliques are absolutely
STUNNING!!!!" ... and about our Customer Service "Most online stores don't
return a phone call. I was pleasantly surprised that you called and that
the service was so good. I will be using you again in the near future!" "I just wanted to thank
you for your wonderful and prompt service. I will be using you again!" "I was shocked when you
returned my call so quickly." "Thank you so much for
looking into this for me so quickly. I really appreciate your prompt attention
on this matter. I wish there were more businesses out there that treated
their customers as you are treating me. I really appreciate everything
you have done." "The customer service
provided is tremendous. I look forward to working with you on future gift
purchases." "Thank you for your prompt
reply!" |
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